Uncredited Interview , 2000

Q : What made you decide to become an actor?
A : By chance.

Q : Did you always want to become an actor? or did you consider any other career?

A : At one time I wanted to be a musician.

Q: Why was that?
A : I thought about becoming a musician because my brother is a professional classical musician, and when I was young I studied the cello. But I was too lazy and not skilled enough to become a professional musician.

Q : Do you have any favourite composers or musical pieces that you enjoy?
A : One of my favourite composers is J.S. Bach.

Q : Of all the roles you have performed as on the stage, television and screen, which character have you enjoyed the most?
A : I enjoy all my jobs in a different way. I don't have a favourite.

Q : Did you enjoy filming "Heat of the Sun"? What was it like in Kenya?

A : Heat of the Sun was a great time - It was filmed in Zimbabwe, not Kenya. It was very beautiful there, but very hot.

Q : Is there any possibility of a sequel in the works for "Heat of the Sun"?

A : Unfortunately they have decided not to make any more episodes of Heat of the Sun.

Q : Do you like "Hippies" hair style?

A : I had special hair extensions for Hippies which were a bit uncomfortable.

Q : Besides acting, is there anything else that you are interested in ?

A : I'm also interested in music and poetry.

Q : How tall are you?

A : I'm 6' (six foot) tall.

Q : What kind of women do you like?
A : Kind and caring women.

Q : "Are you single?"
A : Single.


This interview is uncredited. If you have any information about the source of this article, please let us know