Julian at the National/Brook Green reunion

Place to discuss possible meetups - however please do NOT post any personal information of yours or other members and please be wary of passing personal information via the PM system. Remember this is a public forum that ANYONE can view.

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Postby chatterbox » Sun May 06, 2007 1:05 am

Just got home, and proper reports tomorrow, but Pizza Express, play and stage door all went as planned and everyone behaved perfectly. Jools can breathe again!!

Lovely to meet you all again :D

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Postby xpingux » Sun May 06, 2007 10:55 am

Didn't get the chance to go last night because of trains :( :(
but glad you all had a good time! :D
can't wait to hear all of your reports.

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Postby LinkaNeo » Sun May 06, 2007 6:48 pm

Eeep! I must know how it went!!! =D
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Postby Baggiebird » Sun May 06, 2007 9:16 pm

Will attempt to get report up as soo as i'm awake enought to contemplate it

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Postby grenniespex » Sun May 06, 2007 9:51 pm

I would be grateful to anyone who went on Saturday to report back to any of us sad, stay at home types, how it all went. I know I've never met anyone in person but I am keen to know how you all got on and if Julian came to meet you or ran away scared!


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Postby faeriequeen » Sun May 06, 2007 10:07 pm

Well this is basically what I just wrote on my livejournal:

I think I should've basically pitched a tent in Waterloo as back to the National I went on Saturday for my third viewing of Landscape With Weapon! We had food and a good chat in Pizza Express beforehand and then went to watch the play. Luckily we were all spread around the theatre a bit...as I think a whole row of fangirls might've been rather obvious! It was really interesting for me to see how they've tightened up the play in the month since I last saw it; the fight scene especially was much more convincing, and still bloody hilarious! I heart Tom and Julian so much. Pippa and Julian had been pre-warned that a load of Green Wing fans would be there that evening so came out of the stage door pretty much straight afterwards to talk to us all. I hung back mostly, seeing as I'd already had my own lovely experience, but I got Pippa to sign my programme as I missed her before. So that was me happy. Julian was looking like sex-on-legs as usual but there were so many of us I didn't want to go and pester him again.

Afterwards we all went and had a drink in the National's bar and more chatting ensued. Everyone left at around 11pm I think, though I expect the Brook Green contingent carried on partying into the night when they got back! Hopefully we'll all meet up again soon because it was a really fun evening.

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Postby LinkaNeo » Sun May 06, 2007 10:19 pm

faeriequeen wrote:Julian was looking like sex-on-legs as usual

I read that and uncontrollably laughed out loud in a way that made the rest of the people stare at me like I'd had a mild explosion.

Glad to know it went well! Will keep a look out for notes of how it goes. Although please don't put the story of the night in the "reviews" topic because I've been studiously avoiding spoilers! Although by the looks of things I'll have a novel to read by the time i get to see the play! = :o
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Postby Jennifer » Mon May 07, 2007 10:00 am

Well, I wasn't going to spend all that money and time getting there to see him and not stage door-it!

It was my duty as a paparazzi.

He was fantastic, though; so was Pippa. Though, Julian chaperoning us round the National, along the riverside to find whatsherface ( :lol: ) was a bit surreal to say the least.

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Postby chatterbox » Mon May 07, 2007 10:44 am

For Lucie, Grenniespex and others who want some more news about Saturday, here is my report...

I arrived at about 4.30 with Little Star. We met up with some of the others staying at the Brook Green, and Jools, Rosie and I sat and had a drink outside the national in the sunshine, whilst Jennifer, Little Star, Ducatilady, Tutt-Sweet, Minimarsbar and others went around to do a bit of early stage-dooring. Our gossiping was interrupted by a posse of slightly dazed looking forumers following in the wake of Julian, who came to say hello. After a brief chat the man headed back into the theatre, saying he would see us later.

We then went on to Pizza Express where 20 of us congregated to eat and catch up on gossip. I will put the photos up a bit later. There were people I hadn't met before as well, so it was nice to say hello to them as well. Just before the performance started the last few people turned up, and we had a chance for some more hellos and gossip before we took our seats.

We were dotted about the theatre, so as well as enjoying the play it was also quite entertaining to see other people's faces opposite as the performance unfolded. I won't write anything detailed about the play here for people avoiding spoilers, but this was my third viewing, and I think it has improved every time. The pace was pretty perfect, and timing was spot on. Julian and Tom's relationship is SO believable as brothers now, as they seem to have relaxed into the roles more, and both Jason and Pippa have developed their characters a lot more. Jason's role was already quite well developed, but Pippa, who had the hardest job with her character has also developed a lot of new inflections which gave her role more subtlety.

I was sitting on my own (because I couldn't count when I ordered the tickets and had to get an extra one later for me :roll: ), and it was interesting to hear how much everyone around me was saying how much they enjoyed it.

Afterwards we headed off to the stage door, although those of us who had already met Julian made sure that others were at the front. Pippa came out first and spent quite some time chatting and signing, and Julian arrived a little later, and did the same. He had people waiting for him, so when he had spoken to everyone he disappeared back inside, and we all headed off for another drink, chat and sharing of notes in the National Theatre bar before heading off home.

It was a very, very good day, and nice to meet everyone again or for the first time. I hope we will be able to do it again soon, perhaps with even more people, particularly those who couldn't make it this time.

Thanks for a good time everyone!

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Postby lucie » Mon May 07, 2007 11:55 am

ah thank you thank you :foru:
Now we need a couple of pictures to be completely satisfied :lol:
and to others who was there, please post more about your evening :roll:

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Postby Rosie » Mon May 07, 2007 1:49 pm

I think Chatterbox has covered Saturday's events pretty comprehensively, but my personal highlights included:

Sitting in the sunshine by the river when Julian suddenly appeared. :shock:

Having the time and opportunity to talk to people - much better than the signings when we're herded about like cattle. And JRT fans are such a nice bunch! :)

The play - having seen it from the back of the audience last time, it was good to be near the front and be able to see the finer details of the performances - like Tom Hollander's leg jiggling up and down when his character was nervous, like a small child. And the final scene between the brothers was incredibly moving when seen at close quarters.

Chatterbox (who was sitting on the opposite side of the audience) informing us later that, when Julian bent over to get things out of the fridge in one scene, she looked across and saw six of us in a row all peering intently at his nether regions! Spitting Bunny insisted that she was just trying to see what was in the fridge - a likely story! :wink:

All in all, a grand day out, so thanks to everyone who co-ordinated it. I probably have some very bad photos but will see what I can dredge up.

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Postby minimarsbar » Mon May 07, 2007 1:54 pm

I'd just like to say thank you to everyone for a great weekend. I managed to talk to a few people I hadn't got around to at the convention, and then the icing on the cake was talking to Julian - twice! He was so nice and friendly, as was Pippa, and the play was fantastic.
I was sitting on the second to front row with several others from the forum and managed to control my bad cough until the scene changes - on the whole :oops: I went prepared with cough medicine, water and mints as I didn't want to spoil it for the rest of the audience. I doubt I'll be able to make it down again to the show, (although I am going in 2 weeks time to see something different) but all my weekends are booked up for the foreseable future.
Still, there is always his next project. :D

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Postby chatterbox » Mon May 07, 2007 3:25 pm

Ok, my useable photos of the forum meetup are now on the main site in the Gallery. Sorry about the quality, and the lack of Julian - just us I'm afraid!!

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Postby lucie » Mon May 07, 2007 5:05 pm

Saw the pictures and read the stories beautiful, thank thank you: you made my day :foru:
Keep it coming and i hope somebody made the picture of J. that day as well? :roll:

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Postby ducatilady » Mon May 07, 2007 5:47 pm

Its been lovely to read everyone's report of Saturday's meet up. I think the whole weekend went incredibly well. It was so lovely to meet up with everyone again.
The staff at the Brook Green were as friendly as ever, and the rooms are lovely.
Tuttsweet & I decided to go early to the stage door, before the show, hoping to remind Julian & Pippa that a whole posse of Green Wing fans would love to meet them after the performance. Jen, Miminmarsbar & Little star joined us, and then Julian appeared. An elderly lady who was also waiting wanted her programme signed, Julian turned to us to borrow a pen, but then decided that the pen I gave him was not suitable & returned it to me with a shakespearian flourish. Pippa also appeared at this point, she wasn't sure if she was required at that time, or after the evening performance. She had visitors from home in that evening, who were going to give her a lift back to Dorset, but she said she would come out later anyway for a short while. She than went back inside, at which point Julian decided that he wanted to walk round to the cafe/bar area and join gthe rest of the group. It was lovely, he was so relaxed and chatted with us as we walked round. I don't know who was more shocked, the stage doorers or the ladies having a drink in the sun.
After Julian had left us, assuring us that the fans were always well behaved (he certainly wasn't worried by our presence) we made our way to the Pizza Express, where Chatterbox had wisely made a reservation for 20. This gave us all a chance to catch up with everyone.
We then made our way to the theatre. Tuttsweet & I followed Tara Fitzgerald into the theatre & decide that she is following us, as we saw her at Boeing Boeing last week! to be continued....

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Postby ducatilady » Mon May 07, 2007 5:54 pm

Its the third time I have seen the play, and I enjoy it more each time I see it, the performances have developed over the weeks, and all the cast are brilliant in their respective parts.
As the others have said, Julian & Pippa c ame out after the show & were both very generous with their time. Julian christened Jen 'the paparazzi' and was happy to pose with us all while she took the photos..god help her if they don't come out!!!!
I remember Julian & Pippa joking together at the end, but can't remember what about..can anyone else?
All in all a brilliant weekend, time & again the green wing cast have shown themselves to be lovely people, and so are the fans!
looking forward to the next reunion...whenever that should be!

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Postby xpingux » Mon May 07, 2007 6:09 pm

Oooh wow he joined you! Hehe you're all very lucky!
Thanks for the reports and i'm looking forward to seeing the pictures! :)

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Postby spence » Mon May 07, 2007 7:03 pm

Oh it sounds FAB! I'm green!! :twisted: not really, :D well just a bit..... :wink:

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Postby ch1ch1 » Mon May 07, 2007 7:16 pm

Just thought I'd say it was great to meet everyone on Saturday and to catch up with others I met on previous GW/LWW outings. We really are a lovely bunch (if I say so myself! :lol: ) and each with a fantastic sense of fun and humour. As everyone else has said, the performances were impeccable and the play as a whole was certainly more cohesive (not that it wasn't great before!). I had a ball and I'd happily meet up with you loveable reprobates again!!!!!! :mrgreen:

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Postby goshandcrikey » Mon May 07, 2007 7:21 pm

ok here's my version, i got to london around 2.30 having had a few glasses of champagne with mum on her birthday. i then spent half my trip surrounded by rugby supporters. Around 3.30 I met up with baggie etc, at brook green and we headed off to pizzaexpress. It was great meeting up with everyone both those i'd met before and those I'd only heard of by reputation. After eating everyone signed a birthday card for my mum. At least my sisters and her now believe you are all real :D

I was sat in row M sat behind a few others from the forum.,The play was better than I remembered, and it was brilliant the first time, maybe it was because I was watching all the actors not just Julian. Last time I was in the front row and kept getting distracted.

The fight scene ,as said before, has become even better and funnier, even though there was a lack of boxer shorts on show this time. Well someone had to say it.

When I looked up to where people stand and watch the play There was a guy from footballers wives ( my sister has reliably informed me he plays Jason!!)

Afterwards Pippa came out. It was the first time I have met her and she was lovely, esp. as her lift was waiting. Julian came out and they joked about how wonderful the other had been in the play that night. Pippa signed everything then left Julian alone with us. Suprisingly enough he didn't look scared :wink:

Julain was as charming as the first time I met him. He signed the photo that baggie had brought for me and then I asked if I could be cheeky as it was my mum's birthday and I had a card.

He signed her birthday card asking where she was and why I wasn't with her. I said she'd insisted that I came to the theatre instead, although i did assure him she was coming to see the play on 16th may. i had another photo taken and yet another wonderful memory from the play.

We had a drink at the bar, then back to brooks green where all the forum members i hadn't met before made me feel like i'd known them for ages. Then at around 1am i went back to my hotel with Penny insisting that I call her when i got in or she was coming looking for me.

Got back home around 13.30 on sunday. Mum loved her card and would like to thank you all, esp as I got my photo signed so she has no fear that I will make her wait by the stage door on the 16th. She now thinks he's lovely and has stolen all my dvd's so she can cram before she goes to see him. Even my most cynical sister thinks it great how he takes time for all of us on here and esp. for signing my mums card. The other sister is still saying the same as the text message she sent me before the play which is Julian has made me a bimbo but at least i'm a happy bimbo :D

Once again lovely to meet you all and thanks for a great time lets hope we all meet again soon.

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