Well, after getting thoroughly drenched watching the Lord Mayor’s Show, Rosie & I finally managed to meet up & nipped into St Paul’s to watch Julian as Whittington.
Not too much to add to Rosie’s earlier account really. We managed to get seats in the 2nd row with a quite a good view of the dais. It must be a magnificent building to perform in, but I really
felt for Julian having to overcome not only the acoustics in such a huge place, but also competing at times, with the organ music, percussion & the odd child or two! He, of course, managed it with his customary style & grace. He told the story not just from the dais, but striding through & round the edges of the audience. He cut a very dashing figure in a long dark green velvet coat, with a huge fur collar [bit like a lion’s mane
I thought?!] & a large black hat with a feather.
David Schneider in baggy, black velveteen trousers & a considerable amount of face paint was tremendous as the Cat…all he lacked was the tail! The younger children were enthralled by him…perhaps also recognising him as ‘Uncle Max’ from the television. He was a perfect choice to play the cat , bringing an element of pantomime to the performance which engaged the children even more.
It only lasted for about 20 minutes but was well worth making the effort to see, & it's always nice to see Julian in something different.
I think Julian had spotted us in the audience & he kindly came over after the last performance [there were 3 in all..& yes ,we did watch
all 3!] to have a few words & sign a couple of autographs. He is always so kind & seems genuinely pleased to see people & for the support given to him. A
delightful gentleman in every way.
I took a few photos, but as the lighting in there was rather dim & I didn’t want to interrupt the performance with the flash constantly going off, they are consequently, not of the best quality.
However I'm sure there will be some excellent photos on the St Paul's website in due course as there was an 'official' photographer there too.........thank goodness!
....bit blurry but note the hat!
..looks like he's reading the lesson!
Julian,musicians & David Schneider
..Himself & Rosie
Thanks for your company Rosie. All in all a lovely, if a little damp, day!